Our across the street neighbors, Mark and Leslie, were blessed with their second son yesterday…Ty Williams. For whatever reason, the baby had stopped growing within Leslie so they induced her and he was born within 3 1/2 hours…he wasn’t due until August 3rd… but he is a perfect baby and looks just like his brother Weston. Congratulations and may each day be another blessing for your entire family.
I’m almost caught up with my housework, etc. so I have great plans of getting some reading done today. I have really come to love the days I can just lay back and read a novel without regrets. Life is good when you “mature” to the golden (?) years. We’re expecting rain today so it should work out just right for reading.
No real news. We’re rested from our last few BUSY weeks and looking forward to what is put on our plate in the near future. Ryan will be playing ball in Lexington next week and we’re excited about that and being able to see him and all his family. Once he’s finished, all the ball seasons and swim seasons are over for this year. The Louisville schools start back up on August 12th so that doesn’t leave a lot of time for other things…Wilmore won’t be far behind this date but I’m not sure just when they start back. They have all done well, enjoyed playing the games or swimming the laps, and all are now looking forward to some real vacation time…camping is in the picture for both the Gabehart’s and the Crockett’s. They do real camping and not my kind of camping…hotel with a bed, hot shower, and a potty with a handle!
Meredith has been taking some sewing classes this week and seems to really be enjoying that. She’s made a hair piece for a pony tail, a pillow, and will be making a backpack today…not sure what else she’ll be making for the remainder of this week. She loves doing these things and I hope she’ll continue to do so. All the kids have enjoyed going to the library and reading this summer which is a good thing.
Guess I’d better get myself busy since there’s really nothing of interest to write about. Have a good day and may you feel the blessing being offered by God throughout your day.