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A quiet morning…

The week is half over and we are surviving quite well…for OLD folks that is…and the kids are not ready to go home yet so I guess all is well.  Tanya had all six of them at her house last night and they went into Lexington this morning for Krispy Kreme donuts…Tanya had to take Meredith to the doctor to see about her foot that she ripped all the skin off the heel while camping.   The kids really do play well together in spite of a couple of them that can be a little over the edge when it comes to winning a game of kick ball.

Kyle and Madi have each made a bird house with the help of Papa and will proudly display them at home.  They both did a good job and worked hard making them so special.  Maybe George will post a picture of them later on his blog page.

Today it’s very cloudy and suppose to rain so we’re not sure what we’ll be doing that’s fun.  All the Crockett kids, Tanya, George, Kyle, Madi, and I went to the movies on Monday afternoon…dollar day…and since we had a total of nine we got an even better deal.  We all got a ticket and the total was only $5!  Now that’s a deal and we saw “A Night At the Museum at the Smithsonian”…or something to that effect.  The concession cost $15 so they made money on us after all.  It was a fun time and the kids enjoyed the movie.

All you Abilene folks have a good week catching up on your visiting, etc….eat some good Mexican food along with Harold’s while there…and know I’d love to be there with you.  Hopefully, we’ll be back there before to many more months…no plans just yet.

I’m out of news so guess I’d better find something useful to do.  I finally found me a sweater pattern I plan to knit so maybe I’ll get to Hobby Lobby or Wal-Mart and check out the available yarn.  Now that’s an exciting time!  I doubt any of the kids would think that to be the highlight of the week!


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