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Another new week…

Yesterday, Saturday, we left home around 10 a.m. and headed for Murray, KY to be with Patsy, Lorin, and Victoria.  Patsy’s father had died a few days prior to this and this would be the first viewing.  The funeral is going to be this afternoon.  We were gone from home about 13 hours and 9 of those hours was riding in the van.  We are glad we were able to go and be with them and remind them again that we love them.  We were also able to visit with  Lawrence, Linda, and Buddy as they had come in from Nashville.  This wasn’t an unexpected death…he was 95 and in poor health…but there is still sadness.  I felt really sad for Patsy’s mother as she will be saying goodbye to her husband of 74 years!  He was a Christian man so their separation will only be for a little while.  As her mother sad…”My lost was his gain” which shows a sign of trust and faith in our Lord and Savior.  May God bless then all today and all the days of healing that will follow.

Pal was taken home…actually we met Melissa and the kids in Elizabethtown on our way to Murray…and he was very glad to see his family.  He’s a good dog and absolutely no trouble, but I still don’t want a “full time” pet any more.  That’s just something else to take care of and I’m into being “care free” as I get older.  However, we will be picking up Tyler later today in Frankfort…that’s half way to Louisville from Wilmore.  He’s coming for the week and this will be a fun time with him.  He loves being with Blake and Grayson, so the week will be a busy one.  School starts next week and we still haven’t gotten Ryan up here but will try to do that when they have a long weekend break during the fall.  My life is never really “care free”, and it has been rather busy these last several weeks, but that’s good as long as I can keep up.

We continue to have beautiful weather here and with all the rain everything is so pretty.  Normally by this time of the season, things are showing the signs of stress from the heat, but not this year…everything is lush and green!  KY is really a beautiful state and especially here in horse country.  We can only hope this will continue!

I am currently knitting myself a sweater and it’s coming along quite nicely.  It’s a very easy pattern and will only have the two side seams.  I started at the front bottom, knit up to where you increase stitches for the sleeves, then half way through the width of the sleeve you decrease, then increase,  for the neck opening and continue down for the back.  Those that knit will understand this, others will just have to trust me that it is working out OK.  I love to knit and it’s been a long time since I’ve tackled a project like this.  I have plans for another one when I finish this one.  As the old saying goes…”Idle hands are the devils workshop”… so I stay busy so he’ll never catch me.  I’m seldom idle actually.

Guess I’ll get back to the sweater.  Have a wonderful week and I’ll be back on here when I have some spare time and something I think might be of interest to you.  I’ll be anxious to hear about your long weekend, Linda and Jim.  Hopefully, you were able to rest and relax at least a little bit.  Again I want the Arnett’s to know you have been in my prayers…especially LP&V… and God bless you all.


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