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KY Storms…

All I can say is WOW!  God has really shown his power today through the storms that have passed through Kentucky…with more on the way.  Louisville had 6.5 inches of rain in ONE HOUR this morning and is now experiencing major flooding throughout the city…especially the downtown area. The sewers were blowing their lids and raw sewage is now adding to the problems there along with power outage and down trees.

We got blasted around 3:00 p.m. and  had only a couple inches of rain, lots of wind, and it got as dark as if it were night.  We are currently just waiting for the next round to get here…suppose to have rain off and on the next 24 hours or so.  I guess the drought is really over for this year.  This has been a very strange summer and we’ve had the most unusual weather ever recorded.  We’re still not using the AC and it’s currently only 67.

We had originally thought we’d go to Cincinnati to see a ball game tonight but those plans have been cancelled…they, too, are having lots of rain.  We have Tyler with us this week and we thought that he’d enjoy a major league game since he’s such a baseball fan.  Oh well, we’ll try that another time.  Cincinnati is only about an hour from here…maybe 1.5 hours…it’d be the same as going to Louisville,  so it’s not a long drive.  It would have been a fun evening but we can’t control the weather…or much of anything else for that matter.

No more news and it’s time for dinner so guess I’ll get off here.  Stay dry, cool, or whatever suits you for today.  LP&V we’re glad you made it home safely from Murray and hopefully everything went well with all the issues that goes with planning a funeral.  Get some rest!


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