All the Crockett kids started back to school this morning and it started off with a bang from what I hear. Tanya dropped some one’s breakfast that cause some conflict, Grayson forgot his lunch box, and Blake couldn’t find his shoes…not bad for the first morning. At least Jerod and Meredith did OK…that’s 50% that sailed through the morning start up! It all got worked out…more breakfast was provided, the lunch box was delivered, the shoes were found, and the first day of school pictures were taken. Now we’ll wait to hear from them what the first day was like when they get home. The Gabehart’s start tomorrow morning and we’ll see how it all goes for them tomorrow.
Yesterday Melissa and her four came to Wilmore for a back to school get together with the Crockett kids. They had a fun day as far as I can tell and it began with a shaving cream fight…they were all completely covered, since each kid had their own can of shaving creme, and George has a picture of them on his blog…next we had lunch that consisted of grilled hot dogs/brauts with all kinds of toppings, chips and dip, cantaloupe, and homemade blackberry cobbler and/or ice cream sundae’s with all kinds of toppings. Hopefully, it was enjoyed by everyone. After lunch, the kids had a water balloon fight that lasted just a couple of minutes…took a lot longer for them to fill up the balloons…before it was on to a game of kick ball. The day went by quickly and consisted of the shaving creme fight, lunch, water balloon fight, some real fights…let’s just call these disagreements… and by 5:30 p.m. the house was once again quiet. What a joy grandkids are and if I could bottle their energy I’d finally be a millionaire!
Today George is helping a friend dig some post holes for a shed he’s building in his back yard…thank goodness it’s not quite as hot/humid today. I’ll be doing some “Susie homemaker” stuff before I get back to reading my book or knitting. Life is good when you’re OLD!
Have a blessed day, do something unexpected for someone out of love, and continue to enjoy God’s love for you throughout the day.