Talked with Clark just a minute ago and Vanessa had a very good night and is pleased with how she’s progressing. Of course, when some of the pain medicine is removed today she may have a little different opinion! She has a marvelous doctor and one she really trusted to do good…and he has and did so on George’s back several years ago.
We are still packing but almost finished. We’ve got a graduation party to attend before we head out of town and then drop off a couple of gifts at the church for a shower tomorrow and a belated baby gift. I can’t keep up when I stay on the go all the time!
We will spend the night in Athens, AL. tonight. We want to run by and see George’s aunt Imogene. She fell a week or so ago and broke her shoulder and isn’t really doing all that great. Of course, it will be good seeing Jerry and Kelsey. Kelsey graduated last night and was #4 in her class. She’s a pretty, bright, and fun-loving young lady and will do well in college.
Will post when I have time…please continue to pray for us as we are traveling and working with the Crossroads Ministry team.