We finished up a lot of work in the stock room today and it’s looking good and almost organized! If you know anyone looking for canned potatoes or canned sweet potatoes we know where they can find some. We have enough to feed the city of New Orleans.  I had a lady and a teenage girl helping me today (Tuesday, June 5th) and they were fantastic! They said they’d be back tomorrow…Thank you Lord!
There’s still work to do and we filled up another dumpster today. I’ve been told the garbage guys only come around when they decide to do so…it ought to smell really good in a day or so from those cans that had sprung a leak. Lots of mice must live in there from the evidence we found but only one baby one was found…dead. Let’s hope I don’t see any…dead or alive! They are one of God’s creatures, but never been a friend of mine and I have zero desire to cross paths with them.
Got to run over and check on the cooks…hope someone shows up cause we’ll be hungry before breakfast should they not do so. I know what’s on the menu…canned beef stew, instant mashed potatoes, canned carrots, and brownies…not all that exciting but it’s food and will keep a body going. I seldom eat sweets but with a menu like that I may just have to indulge in the brownies.
The humidity dropped a little bit this afternoon, so we got a one minute shower to boost it back up. Been hot and humid today but for the most part everyone stayed dry. It must have dropped even more because it’s pouring out there at the present. Love that humidity…makes a hair style look like nothing else!