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My day is complete

My helper, Jean, and I finished up all we are going to do for the kitchen area.  We cleaned out the walk-in refrigerator…what a stinky mess…straightened the walk-in freezer and tried to solve a problem with a leaky ice maker.  We came up with a solution and it’s now leaking in a bucket instead of the floor.  I’m not sure that is the only leak by the amount of water everywhere, but it’s one of them for sure. 

The beef stew we had for dinner was not bad…the tossed salad was the best thing…and the brownies turned out to be cookies.  The cooks were hot and tired and were running out of time and these were pre-made ready to bake cookies…again they were good and were served warm.  Tonight we’re having taco’s with rice and refried beans…caken for dessert…so they say!

George just left to go run but I’ll just have to get back out of shape…I’m not walking in this heat and humidity!

I’m still feeling unsettled about coming to stay here for six months.  The woman that I was suppose to spend time with has been everywhere but with me.  I know very little of what would be expected should we come, so I can’t make any decision right now.  I know one thing…I would not be doing what I’ve been doing the last three days.  I’m to old for that type of work every day!  I don’t mind doing this for one week but that’s my limit. 

George is enjoying his week and feels he’s learning a lot of what would be expected of him.  We’ll see and I’ll just keep praying for God’s leading. 

It is terrible hot and humid today so working in the cooler was A-OK with me.  Tomorrow is a half day so all the volunteers can do some sightseeing.  There’s still a lot of evidence of Katrina and much work to be done so there really is a need for workers and showing Jesus to New Orleans.

Talk with you again on Thursday.
