Today is Vanessa’s birthday and I pray she will have a good day celebrating with Clark and Lacey. She’s had a difficult year this past year and we’re hoping for a much better year this year. May your health improve greatly and may you feel like you can finish the quilt you have started…my hats off for even starting a quilt.
We are enjoying some beautiful, crisp days here in Kentucky. I love the sunshine and can endure the crisp days but it’s those dreary, rainy days that will get you down and long for the sunny beaches in Florida. Oh well, we all have our crosses to bear!
Not much going on with George and I. George has just about completed the cradle for the twins and it’s beautiful! He’s quite the wood worker! We are looking for a new projects to keep us busy during the winter months. Suggestions? Of course, we’ll be in Florida all of January and most of February will be in Memphis with the twins, so not much time for big projects.
Guess I’d better get up and going for the day. Again, have a very Happy Birthday, Vanessa.