Where do I start. First I must tell you that my Dad had a heart attack on Tuesday (21st) and is doing well so far. He was taken to Hendrick’s Hospital by ambulance and was immediately given care that resulted in three stints being place in one artery and the other artery that is 90% blocked, they decided to just leave it alone …couldn’t unblock it because the plaque had calcified and he was placed on some new medicines. The surgeon felt it was to risky to do surgery on him because of his age and this new medicine should help with the other arteries remaining open…and I agree. He’s hoping to go home later today…Christmas eve…and we’re all praying for a complete recovery for him. I would appreciate if you that read this blog would please pray for both of my parents as this is a very difficult time for them. Thankfully, my oldest brother, Lawrence, and his family had gotten to their home on Monday night so they could all celebrate Christmas together. Get well soon Daddy and we’re all praying for you daily.
Second…we went to Louisville yesterday and we ate a wonderful lunch at the Bristol. It made me sad to see others eating some of my very favorite items served there and knowing I’d never again have the pleasure of eating them. They said they…artichoke fritters and hot bread…were delicious and my salad was excellent. It was good being back in one of my very favorite restaurants regardless! After we ate, we took Dr. Gallaway to the airport and this season is very difficult for him…his first Christmas without his Sally. Now that’s something to really be sad about. We got him taken care of and head to Melissa’s for some celebration fun. We not only celebrated Christmas but Ryan’s birthday…which is today, Christmas eve.
Ryan is turning 15 today and is quite a young man. He’s loving being in the Marine’s ROTC program at his high school and hopes to have a career with them when he gets out of school. He was in a wrestling tournament on Tuesday and came in 4th over all which was his best so far this year…he’s a very intelligent guy but rather forgetful at times which drives his parents nuts!…is becoming quite a good guitar player…and just a great all around guy with a love for God and he’s loving having a really sweet girlfriend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN!!!! I love you and wish for you a great year.
Today is the day I’ll start to gather up stuff to take to Florida…need I remind you we leave in two days! We’re ready and looking forward to our time there. Now if we can just keep Dad on the right track to getting well so I won’t be worried about him the entire time we’re there. Oh well, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.
Lacey had her three wisdom teeth removed yesterday and I’m sure today is going to be anything but fun for her. Heal quickly, swell lightly, and enjoy eating pudding and jell-o for your Christmas dinner, Lacey. Love you and wish you a very Merry Christmas and a great New Year.
Got to get going or I won’t get anything done. Dad…GET WELL. RYAN HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Lacey, hang in there with the tender jaws. Enjoy Christmas eve everyone and let’s all celebrate Jesus’ birthday each day while living each day for Him.