Happy New Year Everyone! God has been very good to me and my family and I will praise and honor him all the days of my life. Thanks you Lord Jesus for the days that are difficult so I can feel your grace and peace, for days full of joy so I can know your love, and for life that is totally dependent on knowing you more fully. We can only hope that 2010 will be a better year for those that lost jobs, homes, families, and lives due to the uncertainty of life and evil in this world.
Today George and I are enjoying the sounds of a heavy thunderstorm passing through Venice. We truly enjoy the warm air, even with the rain, and know that those back in Kentucky will experience bone chilling winds and very cold air. I really understand why older folks flock to Florida…or any other warm climate…when it’s so bitter cold at home. I love warm weather and the older I get the more I dislike cold weather. I’m very thankful for these days here in Venice.
I read this in my readings this morning and thought you might like to ponder on it…”An authentic life and self is one in which the layers on the outside are merely expressions of the core on the inside.” This is food for thought and a means of self examination. So much of the time we look good, even act good, but the inside is a rotten mess. We can only become who we want to be because Christ has cleansed us from the inside out.
Have a good 2010!!!!!!!