The sun is shining and giving the appearance of a warm day…actually it’s only in the low 40’s…but winter has come to Florida this year. Everyone can expect to pay higher prices for the Florida fruits and vegetables thanks to this weather. A lot of things have already been ruined, because of the freeze in some areas…even the tropical fish aren’t going to survive since they can’t keep the water at the proper temperatures. We can hope for better weather next week since this whole week is going to continue as it has for the last week or so.
We enjoyed having Ron and Jean for dinner last night even though Ron is under the weather with some sinus issues. He called his doctor and he was suppose to call in a prescription to the CVS down the street, but they said it was never called in. Let’s hope he’ll be able to get something today. Feel better soon Ron…Jean you were great, as usual!
George is really wanting to go fishing but it’s been too cold and windy for him to do so. He’s checked out the Jetty a couple of times but not a lot happening there. There were a few catching a few fish, but not enough to brave the cold. Again, maybe next week things will get back to normal.
I talked with Melissa yesterday and Madi had her first ice skating lesson on Monday night and did very well…I hope they will get some video of her so I can see her. The boys are still doing the wrestling, so they all stay busy all the time. Byron had to go to Atlanta for most of this week which adds to the mix of things. As for the rest of the clan, they are all hunkered down and just trying to stay warm. Now to add to all this…SNOW is coming! Of course, Clark has been blessed with snow for some time and already tired of it.
I may have to go to the knit shop today and see if I can find me something to make while here…one can only read for so many hours before boredom begins to set in. I normally enjoy the beach but that’s not happening yet. I’ve never been one to just sit…or just do nothing…so I’ve got to find something to do. I need to stay busy!!!
I’ll be back when I have something I feel of interest to share. If I don’t make the knit shop, I may have to hit “Wally World” and get me some long sleeve tops…I didn’t bring but two as we usually don’t need that many. Life continues to be good and we are truly blessed regardless of the weather.