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Sunny Monday morning…

Yes, we actually got up to sunshine and a balmy 28 degrees this morning!  I sure do hope the “normal” Florida returns this week as we only have 19 days left and not a trace of a suntan.  After lunch yesterday we went by the north, and south, jetty to just SEE the water and the waves were good due to the brisk wind…only a couple of surfers and very few fishermen since it was so cold and windy.  Our balmy 28 is compared to the cold 20 of Wilmore but we do have hopes of warmer days this week and still NO snow to have to deal with.  This is the coldest it’s been for over 50 years, according to some that live here, and it never stays around this long.  Usually it’ll be cold a day or two and then move on, but not this year.  Oh well, I shall not complain as I’m still glad to be here.  Even a little sunshine is a thousand times better than a little snow!

Since we aren’t doing anything, there’s nothing to write about.  I’ve finished a couple of books so far…and that’s been good, we’ve gone to the movies once and hope to go see Blind Side one day this week, and maybe get to sit at the beach/pool later…life is good!

I got a text from Allison yesterday and she…along with the twins…is doing well.  She begins her weekly visit this week and has made it to week 33 with no complications.  She’s had a couple of showers and gotten lots of stuff, George made the over sized cradle, Scott made the two beds, and now we’ll just patiently wait for the boys arrival next month.  Scott and Allison are sure in for lots of excitement, and surprises, the next 20 years!  It’ll be fun, for the most part, but they will have their days, as we all have that have raised kids.  I promise, you’ll learn to go without sleep in just a matter of days!  We’ll be praying for you.

Enjoy the week and here’s praying for warm days for all of us.


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