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Today is my brother, Lorin’s, birthday and I hope his special day will be a good one.  I won’t mention just how old he is, but he’s one year older than I am and getting really close to a really BIG one!  Happy Birthday, Lorin!

Yesterday we went to the beach for a few minutes.  We sure didn’t stay long because the wind was blowing really hard and we were getting sand blasted…at least my legs got exfoliated!  We had no intentions of staying long when we left the condo because we knew it would not be a good day to be there but I just wanted to hear the waves, etc…even a little bit of the beach is better than zero time at the beach.  It was so windy, even the birds were “hunkering” down in the sand due to the weather.  Oh well, it was good to get a tiny taste of the beach and hopefully we’ll be back there several more times before we leave.

I’m looking forward to my first, and only, knitting class this afternoon.  I still don’t have a definite plan as to what I want to make, I just want to make something!  I guess this is a good day to do this as it’s cloudy and rainy again…been this way every weekend so far but it’s at least warm so I will not complain.  George is still preparing his class material for Sunday and I know he’ll do another outstanding job again.

We had Ron and Jean over last evening to play Texas 42 and Ron and I are the NEW champions.  We enjoyed our time together and George and I are so thankful we found them in Sarasota five years  (+/-) ago.  God has put some really great people in our lives and we are over joyed to call them friends!

Have a good weekend and look for the good in your life today!


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