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Here it is the weekend already and the month is over…where or where did the days go?

We had our “Care Group” meeting last night and it was a fabulous dinner and fellowship time. ..I took desserts – one lemon ice pox pie and one maple nut pie…the hit of the desserts.  Many of the people in this group have been our friends for 40+ years and are very confused as to why we are trying to sell our house.  People are resistant to any type of change, especially at our ages, but we feel we are doing the right thing and continue to look to God for guidance.

We’re going to Wilmore today along with Clark and maybe Vanessa to help take Tanya some furniture that they are buying from Clark.  It’s a dinette set consisting of a table with two leaves and eight chairs…won’t fit in Clark’s new place and Tanya needs more table space so it’s good for both of them.  It will be good seeing all the Crockett’s even for the little time we will be there.

Vanessa said the other day she wanted to go with us, and as long as the seat reclines she should be able to do so according to the doctor.  This will be a trial run for the move on the 14th. and we all pray it will be OK.  She is doing well but the recovery time is getting longer every day.  Once we make a decision to get something “fixed” we want it to all be over with and be able to do what we really want to do.

Enjoy your weekend and we’re looking forward to having Jim here the next couple of weeks.  We’ll be gone for most of it so he’ll be doing some house sitting for us.  Hopefully he can get some sleep at the non-sleep hours with us not here making noise.  He always flies in or out around 3 a.m. and needs to sleep in the early evening or late into the morning.  Got to get those UPS packages delivered in the daytime so they fly at night.  I’m thankful for UPS!
