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We continue to wait…

We had hoped that Neyland would get to come home today, but he had lost 8/10’s of an ounce when he was weighed this morning, and he can’t lose any weigh, so it looks like it could be Friday before he get’s out of NICU.  He has to maintain his weight, plus increase his weight, for 48 hours before he’s released.  All the other areas are good, but he’s just to tiny for now.  Turner continues to do well, cries very little, and sleeps like a champ.  He’s a lazy eater, and that gets his mother a little frustrated, but he’s improving.  He’ll be awake and acting like he’s starving but when he starts nursing he sacks right out.  He’ll have his one week weigh in on Friday and we’re hoping he’s increasing.  He’s really a cutie and looks so much like Scott did as a baby…CUTE, CUTE, CUTE!!!  Scott has been staying around the clock with Neyland and I know he’s ready to get back home and to sleep in his own bed…hospital beds for parents aren’t that great.

Allison is doing well and trying to adjust to being sleep deprived…that’s going to get worse before it gets better…but she’ll survive.  All mothers are sleep deprived for at least the first two years, then we get a period of normal sleep, and then the kids hit the teen years and we’re back to being sleep deprived.   This is just one of the many areas of living within the “Joys of Motherhood” and we really wouldn’t have it any other way.

I’ll be back on here when I have a few spare minutes and there’s anything new to tell you.  God continues to bless us far more than we ever imagined possible and I will always be grateful for that.


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