Both Turner and Neyland continue to be doing well and will go to the doctor’s on Friday for their two week check. Since they were so small, they were weighed at the one week mark and at that time Turner weighed 5 lb. 4 oz…lost down from 6 lb. 1 oz…and Neyland weighed 4 lbs 2 oz…back up + 1 oz from his birth weight. This last Monday we were ask to come in and have them weighed again. This time Turner weighed 5 lb 10 oz and Neyland weighed 4 lb. 6 oz. The doctor said they were doing great and to continue on with what was being done. They are extremely good babies and seldom cry…they eat, sleep, and then repeat the process…not big fans of diaper changes or baths at this point. They are waking up a little more but not much. I think they must be waiting for us to leave so they can have mama all to themselves. It will be hectic at times, but I feel sure all will survive.
It continues to be cold here even with the sun shining. Today it’s only 35 and with a wind, so the windchill is only 24…needless to say IT”S COLD OUTSIDE!!! I’m thankful I don’t have to go out!
Not much news so guess I’ll get back to rockin’, lovin’, huggin’ and spoilin’ these precious gifts from God.