What a FAST three weeks and we are now getting ready to move on to Texas…in the morning. We look forward to seeing Mom and Dad, but we will miss these precious babies terribly.  It sure doesn’t take me long to get attached to our grand babies but it’s time to let Scott and Allison enjoy the boys all by themselves. The boys continue to be near perfect but I know the time will come when they will become more awake and somewhat more demanding…that’s the nature of a baby and they are past due! Turner and Neyland will never know we were here and enjoying their first few weeks of life, but we will never forget these weeks. Thank God for grand babies!!!
The sun is shining and it sure gives us hope that spring is just around the corner. Of course, if it gets very warm before we get back home, we’ll be wishing we had brought some cooler clothes with us. Oh well, jeans and tops will do for a few more days or else I may just make a trip to “Wally World”.
Have a great weekend and I’ll be back once we get to Texas…providing I have a connection. Please pray we will continue to have safe travel and good attitudes…not that we don’t already have good attitudes!