Today is Lacey’s 19th birthday and I’m wishing for her a great time of celebration, a year full of good things, and a job in Louisville once she finishes her paramedic courses. Time has just flown by and it’s so hard to think of her as a “grown-up”…really rather sad. The years continue to fly by and before I turn around twice…all the kids will be grown up! Regardless, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LACEY.
We made a quick trip to Louisville this morning…got up at 4 a.m. and we were at the hospital by 6:30 a.m…to see Patty before she went into surgery and we are so glad we did. We saw a lot of her family members that we were in a Bible study with before we left and that was so enjoyable. Patty was in excellent spirits and just ready to get it all over with. There was about 15 of us in the waiting room when the nurse said we could ALL go in and see her before she got her “happy juice”. Patty loved that and we had a prayer, with several participating, before she was off for the fight of her life. She had been told by the surgeon that if more cancer was found they would just stop and sew her back up…she would not be able to be on the liver transplant list if more was found…but by God’s good grace, no more cancer was found and the surgery went forth. She will be in surgery until around 4 p.m. (EDT) so we headed back home around 10:30 a.m. I thought it was really neat that her surgeon came in and prayed for her before he took her back…that’s never happen to me and I thought that was really neat. They are removing the pancreas, reconnecting what all was connected to the pancreas to something else, and she won’t have anything, including water, for the next three days because they don’t want her stomach working at all. She’ll be in a lot of pain for the next couple of weeks, will have a long recovery time, but she really had no choice if she wanted to live. We’re all so thankful she’s willing to fight for her life and gives God all the glory for this experience. No one likes to suffer, but she said she knows something good will come out of this…she’s a strong Christian that doesn’t hesitate to tell others that she loves the Lord. She’ll need prayer for quite some time, so please keep it up!
We had hoped to see Melissa…or any other family members…but it seemed as though everyone was busy or at school. Oh well, maybe on the next visit.
Guess I’d better get busy…think we’ll be going to Lowe’s in a little bit…and I plan to plant some pansy’s later this afternoon. It’s suppose to rain tomorrow and that would be good for the new flowers. Enjoy the rest of the week!
Once more…HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY, LACEY!!!!!