The days seem to just fly by…guess it’s because of all the fun we’re having at the “blue house”. The renovation is coming along…ever so slowly…and the little “blue house” is starting to come alive. George continues to work hard at trying to get the front door fixed and he should finish that up today…maybe he’ll post a before / after picture on his blog before long. We can’t say we have any room completely finished yet but two rooms are very close…one bedroom needs the doors hung and the carpet that will not be installed until everything is completed…one bathroom will get the tub re-glazed today and then caulking around the tub plus a couple more smaller things and it will be done…our first completed room. We’re about ready to start putting the upper cabinets back up so we can tile the floor before installing the lower cabinets. The pantry George built is going to be a really big plus for whoever lives there and works out of that kitchen…I love it!!!
This has been another exciting week for Melissa…Kyle broke his left arm. Monday night at his middle school baseball game he was sliding into third base and somehow broke his arm right above the wrist. Both bones were broken and through the growth plate which is very bad. He’ll wear a cast for 4 – 6 weeks which means baseball season is over for him this year. That was the very last game for his middle school team and his little league is just getting started good so he’s not happy about not getting to play. Heal quickly, and completely, Kyle!!!
We continue to feel deep sorrow for all the devastation in Nashville…really for all of those affected by last weeks storms. We know it will be months…if not years…before everything is finally cleaned up, restored, and back to normal. So many lost everything they had because they had no flood insurance…and why would they when it’s not suppose to flood there. They call this the 500 year flood so there shouldn’t be another for another 500 years. Several KY areas were also destroyed by that same weather system. There’s lots of needs that need to be met to help get the people back up on their feet so let’s all see what WE can do to help out…$$$$$$$.
Guess I need to get up and start my day. It’s going to be in the mid to upper 80’s today but tomorrow it’s only going to be in the lower to mid 60’s…what a difference a day makes!